This blog is kind of heavy, but I don't claim to have all the answers and figure I can share with you all what's heavy on my heart currently.
I am struggling. Struggling in the battle against my want to be accepting and my desire for what is right. Struggling to decide what to choose in the choice between letting things out of my control just “be” or refusing to accept reality. God has called me to love and I try to do that without restraint, but love is not always that easy when it comes to loving in situations of endemic selfishness and injustice.
It seems that the older I get, the more I become aware and overwhelmed by the injustice and apathy occurring around me, so much so that it makes me sick to think about. I am not sure if this realization is a product of wisdom or more one of the growing disease of selfishness that is plaguing the current 20-30 something generation. Myself being in this generation, do not intend to discredit all, but cannot help but be saddened by the overwhelming amount of those in my own generation who just don’t care about anyone but themselves.
Have you ever just wondered why some people just “don’t get it”? I am sure many have thought that same thought about me before in certain situations, but my point is this; The solution, the stepping stone, the opportunity to do the right thing will be right in front of a person and they simply can’t see it. Or maybe it’s not that they can’t see it. Maybe this is a generation of people who can’t or even won’t fight for what’s right. Won’t work for things that are hard to obtain or simply things that require work.
For many, giving up has been too much of an option in the lives of a generation raised with out “too much pressure.” The American Dream and every man for himself pounded into our minds and hearts. We have options like no generation has ever had. 15 different kinds of bread, 30 different cereals, thousands of different cars, millions of hair styles, millions of careers. In a generation of unlimited options, many have become incapable of satisfaction. Incapable of not wanting the “next best thing.” Ruining their careers, their lives, their families to seek what is the next best thing for them without paying attention to the destruction of those they have left behind. Inevitably ruining their own life and spending the rest of it trying to figure out what went wrong. But unfortunately, many will never realize that they were their own worst enemy. In our world of endless options, they only ever knew how to choose themselves.
Now all we can do is try to find our way back to the righteousness, fullness, and servant’s heart God planned for us and break the cycle of self-destruction. And figure out how.